I'm also very interested in developing a Sports/Exercise style application
for the openmoko. I'm an avid cyclist and I have developed a little program
to read HR monitor data from the Suunto Heart Rate monitor using the Suunto
PC Pod. It's a USB device that communicates using the ANT (thisisant.com)
protocol. I'll try and post some info/code about my work sometime this
weekend. We should be able to plug this into the openmoko to give it access
to all kinds of sports monitoring equipment.


On 9/28/07, Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 29/08/2007, Baxter Kylie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > I've been following this project for a couple years with great
> > interest but I have a few questions (for those with gen1 and just
> > those with some knowledge of the possibilities/limitations of the
> > hardware)
> >
> > How hardy is the unit? I realize it has no moving parts but could it
> > take repeated jarring up and down? Also, is it too heavy or too big
> > for an armband strap?
> >
> > I'm a marathon runner and words cannot describe how astounding it
> > would be for me to be able to find a waterproofed armband case for
> > this unit to take on runs. Not only could it provide cell service in
> > case of emergencies and act as my portable music player but with the
> > gps and accelerometers I could (with a little help) get some useful
> > runners' apps in place to track important numbers on runs -- not just
> > times on terrains but even stride data (assuming the accelerometers
> > are sensitive enough to track arm swing + impact).
> >
> > Assuming the unit is up to these tasks I fully intend (with a gen2 in
> > hand) to try to get an app up and running for logging this type of
> > info ... anyone who thinks this is a good idea or has any additional
> > thoughts, I'd love to hear them!
> This would be absolutely awesome! I don't run that often, but this'd be a
> great help when I do. I always take my music player with me but I can't
> really take anything else, and it'd be a safe comfort to have a mobile phone
> with me too, especially if it has the features you described.
> Regards,
> > ~Baxter
> Thanks,
> --
> Vincent
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