
fre 2008-09-12 klockan 12:24 +0200 skrev Tilman Baumann:
> I found the new fso milestone and tried it out on my Neo 1973.
> Here is what i think of it. 
> [...]
> And i would say it is time for some gui guidelines for new world etk, 
> efl apps.
> We have a great looking environment, now let's define how apps should 
> look. And pleas don't make them look like qtopia, Zhone or tichy.
> I have some ideas for that too. But i whink we need some experimenting 
> first...

I hope I'm not the only one that think Zhone looks really nice (apart
from the default background). Although it's just a temporary UI, put
there to take advantage of the framework, I'm gonna miss it - it's
simply beautiful.

/ Fredrik

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