Le 19/01/2010 16:33, Tom Bachmann a écrit :
> I now registered to the list, since unregistered didn't seem to come
> through and c...@thewikireader doesn't seem to respond. Possibly you
> might recive this message more than once.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [wikireader] Rudimentary support for several wikis
> Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 00:56:53 +0000
> From: Tom Bachmann<tb...@cam.ac.uk>
> To: community@lists.openmoko.org
> Hello,
> first of all, please CC me since I'm not registered to the list.
> Over the last few days I have been hacking together rudimentary support
> for displaying several collections of data (e.g. wikis of different
> languages) on the wikireader. This code is not yet ready to be
> incorporated into the main repository (I think), and furthermore I don't
> actually know if it complies with your ideas of simplicity.
> HOWEVER, I would be very grateful to everyone who can test the code. I
> don't yet have a real wikireader (i.e. I have been developing this on
> the simulator; I will get one after sorting out my budget...) and I'm
> worried that there might be problems related to e.g. the scarcity of
> memory on the reader (how much ram has it installed?).
> Here is what I did: basically, articles are now identified by their
> index and by their "collection id" (the highest four bits of the 32bit
> identifier). The .pfx, .fnd, .hsh and .idx files are replicated per
> collection. The .dat files are just numbered consecutively (and
> identified by the usual way). So if you have e.g. two collections, say
> english and french wikipedia, then your image layout may look like this:
> pedia0.idx pedia0.hsh pedia0.pfx pedia0.fnd
> pedia1.idx pedia1.hsh pedia1.pfx pedia1.fnd
> pedia0.dat pedia1.dat pedia2.dat pedia3.dat pedia4.dat
> You cannot tell what articles are in what .dat files (in principle
> articles from several wikis could be mixed in one file), but in practice
> we might have pedia0-2.dat corresponding to the collection 0 (english
> wiki) and pedia{3,4}.dat corresponding to collection 1 (french wiki).
> The searching functionality etc is implemented in the wiki-app, the user
> inteface is rather non-existent. As a hack for testing I'm statically
> configuring the system to use two collections (identified 0 and 1) and I
> added an "invisible" button to the upper right corner of the search menu
> to switch between the collections (in the simulator you will see a
> message). There seem to be some bugs in that button but it's really for
> testing only.
> In addition to implementing all that in the wiki-app, I modified the
> render, index and combine programs. All take a new --coll-number
> argument to identify the collection being worked on, and
> ArticleRender.py has a new --dat-number argument to specify the .dat
> file (--number only identifies the block for the .idx file).
> The good news is, you can just re-use your primary collection (the one
> identified by 0). The bad news is, all extra collections have to be
> re-built. For a quick test, try
> make  DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work \
>         XML_FILES=xml-file-samples/japanese_architects.xml \
>         COLL_NUMBER=1 DAT_NUMBER=${first unused index in .dat} iprch
> make  DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work install
> and then copy everything to your wikireader (or try sim4).
> Again, it would be *greatly* appreciated if someone could build a large
> second collection and try two real-life datasets on the wikireader.
> All the code is at gitorious (just because I am already registered there
> but not yet on github). To get it, do
> git clone git://gitorious.org/wikireader-ness/wikireader-ness.git
> Let me know what you think!
> Thanks,
> Tom
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> community@lists.openmoko.org
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It would be awesome !

I finished French Wiki last night, upload is in action. It will be 
available before tonight  on some mirors.

I'll post urls as soon as it is available.



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