
I can`t find myself yet comfortable with the name "Zeta". What is the 
background behind Zeta? It doesn`t smell like PHP. Also I prefer KISS. Maybe a 
2 or 3 letter Acronym that is not yet used by anything else. More generic. So I 
spend some time one a list.

- PHP Enterprise Components pec or ec
- Enterprise PHP Components epc or ec
- Easy Components ec
- Enterprise PHP Library epl
- Viking Components vc
- Norge Components nc
- Extended PHP Library
- Enterprise Components for PHP, e2p
- Quality Asured PHP Library qapl
- PHP Enterprise Edition, pee (without runtime), cool shortcut :-), Do you pee?
- Apache PHP Components apc, shit name is taken too, mod_perl features for php 

Getting more funny
- SPL, ups that one is taken
- The PHP World is looking for a new library, tpwilfanl
- Thor "the Hero / God" thor
- Twilight of the Gods tg
- Not Quick and Dirty Library nqdl
- Big Balls bb, Unintentional Name for eZ Publish 5
- PEAR is Crap, pic
- Take Zend down, tzd
- I really do run standlone Library or else I tie in, irdrsloeiti
- Components that you need to build a cool CMS, c2cms
- Apache is geeting it's first PHP project aigifpp
- Viking Components with German Salt vcwgs, ups forgot Derick

Best regards,
Björn Dieding

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