On Jan 24, 2008 8:00 AM, Heikki Levanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Everyone is looking at the top end of the scalability study
>   http://cgos.boardspace.net/study/
> But what happens in the low end? Both programs show linear progress to
> begin
> with, then a corner, and more (almost?) linear development.

I think you're looking at ghosts in the data.  What if the fatman's point
for 3 was slightly lower (well within the error bars that aren't shown).
That then would make the "corner" completely disappear.  You'd probably even
say it was near-constant rate of growth the whole way up (maybe a gradual

> Fatman's curve has a clear break at 3 doublings, when it suddenly starts
> to
> improve much slower than before. This goes on until 12 doublings, after
> which
> we get the mysterious decline.

The decline can simply be a fluke.  More data is needed before any final
conclusion can be reached.  I'm actually surprised at how smooth the rest of
the data is.  I think our eyes are likely playing tricks on us.  It's better
to hold off on subtle interpretations until you have enough data to discount
the effects of noisy data points.
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