I hit this problem long ago when CGOS was young. The fix at that time was to send the estimated time until the next round. Eventually, that cluttered the logs and was removed from the server code.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 9, 2008, at 9:19 AM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am having the same exact problem, so I don't think it's anything you
are doing wrong.   It seems to have something to do with idling a long
time and it only seems to affect certain networks. On my own machine
and internet connection it never happens.

But I have access to a machine where it's happening.

I am also interested if anyone else has run into this and perhaps solved
it or has an idea what is going on.

- Don

On Sat, 2008-08-09 at 08:39 +0200, Ben Lambrechts wrote:
If my program has to wait to long before it gets a game, the console
don't send commands to my program.

I tried all I could think about: I used the tclkit from Equi4 and
tried ActiveTcl.
I tried to create a .bat file and run it in the normal console and

Can someone help with this problem please?

With kind regards, Ben


I followed the instructions from
and correctly set the server and port in the tcl-script to
cgos.boardspace.net and 6819

C:\CGOS> tclsh85 cgos3.tcl GtpTest3 ******** MyGtpProgram.exe
08:00:20    C->E list_commands
08:00:22    E->C boardsize
08:00:22    E->C clear_board
08:00:22    E->C undo
08:00:22    E->C version
08:00:22    recieved full response to list_commands
08:00:22    Engine uses  time control commands
08:00:23    Successful connection to CGOS server
08:00:23    S->C protocol
08:00:23    C->S e1 CGOS tcl engine client 1.2 Windows-x86 by Don
08:00:23    S->C username
08:00:23    C->S GtpTest3
08:00:23    S->C password
08:00:23    C->S ********

By now a game is started and my program don't get commands from the
console, but it seems that the console also don't get commands from
the server...
If I try to restart the start-script I get additional lines:

08:21:50    S->C Error: You are already logged on!  Closing
08:21:50    Connection to server has closed.  Will try to reconnect

And most of the time, my program loses on time because of this. But
sometimes it suddenly connects and plays its game.

08:36:38    C->E genmove w
08:36:38    E->C = A10
08:36:38    C->S A10
08:36:38    S->C play b PASS 1199968
08:36:38    C->E play b PASS
08:36:38    E->C =
08:36:39    S->C genmove w 300024
08:36:39    C->E time_left w 300 0
08:36:39    E->C =
08:36:39    C->E genmove w
08:36:39    E->C = J4
08:36:39    C->S J4
08:36:39    S->C play b PASS 1199968
08:36:39    C->E play b PASS
08:36:39    E->C =
08:36:39    S->C genmove w 300024
08:36:39    C->E time_left w 300 0
08:36:39    E->C =
08:36:39    C->E genmove w
08:36:39    E->C = pass
08:36:39    C->S pass
08:36:40    S->C gameover 2008-08-09 W+40.5
08:36:40    C->S ready

And then I have just the same problem, if it has to wait to long
before the other games are finished, it doesn't start in his next
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