Yes, I tried heavy playouts for N plys, then switching to light.?It didn't 
really speed things up all that much but it weakened my bot quite a bit, on a 
per playout basis, resulting in a clear net loss.
I tried ladder reading for the first N plys, then no ladder reading. The 
results were muddled.

Currently, I use slightly more stochastic playout rules for the first 7 plys of 
the playouts, than for the remainder. It gives me a small, but statistically 
significant, strength increase against Gnugo.

- Dave Hillis

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: computer-go <>
Sent: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 1:43 pm
Subject: [computer-go] Playout acceleration

Has anyone tried heavy, slow playouts near the tree and light, fast playouts 
near the end of the game? I'm calling this "playout acceleration" because it 
starts slow and speeds up. You could have many different playout weights/speeds 
in a single playout. It seems like a reasonable idea to me since the moves near 
the tree should be the most important. Thoughts??
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