On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 7:14 PM, "Ingo Althöfer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Does someone here know of other (documented) attempts
>>> to solve 6x6 Go?
>> Didn't Erik van der Werf do it under his rules?
> He did it for 5x5-Go, see at
> http://erikvanderwerf.tengen.nl/5x5/5x5solved.html

Several 6x6 positions were solved, but not the empty board. E.g., for the
following position we could prove a Black win by at least 2 points (which
took about 13 days in 2002).

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. . . # O .
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Optimal play on 6x6 under Chinese rules is expected to give a Black win by 4

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