I think a better way to do this is to self-play a few hundred games with
various komi values.   The correct komi will be clear from those games.
This worked on 7x7 so I assume it would work on 6x6.   Of course this
cannot be considered a "proof."

- Don

On Wed, 2008-09-24 at 09:53 +0200, "Ingo Althöfer" wrote:
> Erik van der Werf wrote:
> > ...
> > Optimal play on 6x6 under Chinese rules is expected 
> > to give a Black win by 4 points.
> I want to lay open, why my expectation for
> 6x6-Go under Chinese rules is +2 for Black.
> With Leela, I played two games (or game fragments)
> in analysis mode, starting the machine from fresh
> in each situation, and stopping analysis after
> 500,000 nodes.
> Game 1: 
> Whenever it was Black's turn, komi was set to 3.5 .
> Whenever it was White's turn, komi was set to 4.5 .
> The numbers in brackets are the win percentages, as
> shown by Leela after 500,000 nodes.
> 1.c3 (39.9)  2.d4 (73.7)
> 3.c4 (46.0)  4.d3 (77.0)
> 5.d5 (55.3)  6.e5 (85.6)
> 7.d2 (42.0)  8.e2 (91.8)
> 9.e4 (24.5) 10.e3 (96.1)
> 11.e6(17.6)
> Resigned on behalf of Black.
> Game 2: 
> Whenever it was Black's turn, komi was set to 1.5 .
> Whenever it was White's turn, komi was set to 2.5 .
> The numbers in brackets are the win percentages, as
> shown by Leela after 500,000 nodes.
>  1.c3 (71.5)  2.d4 (55.5)
>  3.d3 (75.4)  4.c4 (60.2)
>  5.b3 (64.1)  6.e3 (74.5)
>  7.e2 (59.2)  8.e4 (68.2)
>  9.b5 (58.9) 10.b4 (73.3)
> 11.a4 (53.3) 12.a5 (73.6)
> 13.a3 (65.2) 14.c5 (72.6)
> 15.a6 (77.1) 16.f2 (81.6)
> 17.e1 (81.7) 18.c6 (76.6)
> 19.a5 (81.4) 20.e5 (94.3)
> 21.c1 (98.6)
> So, both sides are optimistic to reach their respecitve goals.
> Conclusion: From the viewpoint of Leela (at 500,000 nodes),
> komi=2.0 is in the "habitable zone" for the
> the starting position of 6x6-Go, whereas komi=4.0 is not.
> When instead fair komi would be 4, each of the games above
> should contain errors.
> Ingo.

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