Ok,  I resolved what I believe is the problem, it's an interface issue.

I'm now testing komi 3.5 to see what happens.   If 4.0 is the correct
komi, we should expect to see black win the majority of the games.    If
this happens I'll try switching to 4.5 komi.   If white then wins,  it
will be empirical evidence that 4.0 is indeed the correct komi.  

- Don

On Thu, 2008-09-25 at 10:48 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-09-24 at 19:48 +0200, Erik van der Werf wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I don't know if even size boards are special, but it seems to me that
> > > such small boards should have very high komi's.   4.0 seems pretty low
> > > but then I'm really no expert on komi's and I'm a pretty weak player so
> > > I'm not in any position to really say.
> > 
> > The center is the best opening move for all small odd size boards.
> > Small even size boards have a lower komi because there is no center
> > point.
> > 
> > I'm quite confident that 4.0 is the correct komi for 6x6.
> I'm playing a series of games with Leela to see what Leela thinks is the
> correct komi for 6x6 boards.   
> I must be doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out what it is.  I
> tried a bunch of 3.5 komi games and white won all 12 of them.
> So I tried 2.5 and white won the first game.
> So I tried 0.5 komi and white won 2 games!  
> The only thing I know to check is to see if I am sending the proper komi
> to the programs.    The only other possible glitch is that the version
> of leela I am using is ignoring the komi I send - but I don't think this
> is the case.   I can test that on a bigger board.
> Here are the two 0.5 komi games:
> (;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]
> RU[Chinese]SZ[6]KM[0.5]
> PW[LeeA]PB[LeeB]DT[2008-09-25]PC[Autotest]RE[W+Resign]GN[1]
> ;B[cd]
> ;W[dc]
> ;B[dd]
> ;W[cc]
> ;B[db]
> ;W[ed]
> ;B[bc]
> ;W[cb]
> ;B[eb]
> ;W[ec]
> ;B[bb]
> ;W[ce]
> ;B[ee]
> ;W[de]
> ;B[bd]
> ;W[fe]
> ;B[ef]
> ;W[df]
> )
> (;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]
> RU[Chinese]SZ[6]KM[0.5]
> PW[LeeB]PB[LeeA]DT[2008-09-25]PC[Autotest]RE[W+Resign]GN[2]
> ;B[dd]
> ;W[cc]
> ;B[cd]
> ;W[dc]
> ;B[ec]
> ;W[eb]
> ;B[ca]
> ;W[ed]
> ;B[ee]
> ;W[bd]
> ;B[fc]
> ;W[bb]
> ;B[be]
> ;W[ae]
> )
> - Don
> > 
> > Erik
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