On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 14:41 -0400, Joshua Shriver wrote:
> Where is the C version for download?

I will eventually put it out there, but I wanted to polish it up,
comment it, take out dead code, etc.    If you (or anyone else) wants a
version now I'll let you have it, just email me in private.

I will build a web site soon and hope others participate with conforming
programs in any language or system.   The format I would like is that
you zip it up and it unzips to a directory (or directory tree.)
Preferably cross platform but not a requirement.   (My C version
probably isn't cross platform without at least some minor changes.) 

I would like to see a round of agreement between my implementations and
some other one before I "declare" something to be the reference
implementation that has our blessing.    I believe mine is correct, but
it would be nice to have another to compare it against.  

- Don

> -Josh
> On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:39 AM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         The C reference bot indeed had a simple bug.  Everything was
>         fine except
>         for when the final move choice was made,  I forgot to check
>         for eye.
>         I am surprised it played as strongly as it did because it
>         seems like it
>         would have always filled eyes, but the logic of not selecting
>         a move
>         that has no playouts associated with it kicked in.   So it
>         ended up
>         being roughly only 15 ELO weaker.    That explains why the
>         other
>         statistics seemed to match perfectly, there was nothing wrong
>         with the
>         playouts.
>         It was outside 4 standard deviations after many thousand
>         games.    Now
>         it is within 2 SD after about 8000 games.   I'm going to let
>         it run for
>         a few more thousand games and see if this continues to hold up
>         because
>         the javabot is scoring 51.01 percent, just barely within 2
>         standard
>         deviations.
>         - Don
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