On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 22:49 +0200, Vlad Dumitrescu wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 22:30, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I will build a web site soon and hope others participate with conforming
> > programs in any language or system.   The format I would like is that
> > you zip it up and it unzips to a directory (or directory tree.)
> > Preferably cross platform but not a requirement.   (My C version
> > probably isn't cross platform without at least some minor changes.)
> Cool, another good idea that is at least as good as CGOS :-)
> If the reference bot is in an interpreted language, how will you
> handle installing the runtime? What OS and distribution are you
> running the bots on?

I would be willing for people to hosts these tests on a variety of
systems.   I'm on 64 bit linux and would start by publishing results on
that system.   I would document the system, CPU, compiler version, and
other relevant details so that others can attempt to duplicate my
results.  There would be notes to describe any problems I ran into.

I probably wouldn't be the best to do this,  so I welcome anyone willing
to get any submissions up and running and tested.  

I would also like to have my 2 pieces code reviewed with an eye to
determining if it follows the standard as stated (or whether the
standard needs more clarification.)

- Don

> best regards,
> Vlad
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