Don Dailey wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 07:43 +0100, Heikki Levanto wrote:
>> My personal preference might be C, but at
>> work I have to learn more Java... Anyway, I don't want to start a
>> language
>> war here, not again...
> Oh, you want a war :-)
> Seriously,  Java has it's place but if you really get serious about
> developing the highest performance strong playing bot I think you pretty
> much are forced into a low level language.   I see only a very few
> reasonable choices if you want to go that way:
>    C or C++
>    Assembly
>    D

If you look for performance you can hardly discount Fortran. Actually
there's a fair chance that the majority of the world's Monte Carlo
programs are written in that language.

Anecdote: My very first experience of games programming was in
Fortran. As an intern I was given the assignment to update one of the
last, and not exactly business critical, pieces of a large power
distribution surveillance product (think lots of power plants and
nationwide distribution networks) in a migration from one operating
system to another. This was the operator's console distraction, an
othello program written in a pre-Fortran77 version of Fortran,
littered with arithmetic if statements. I had absolutely no clue
(neither had anyone else) how the program worked until I had line by
line translated it into C and unravelled the code structure into
sensible (logical) if statements and while loops.

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