On Thu, 2008-11-06 at 10:44 -0500, Jason House wrote:
> I think simplistic handling of Japanese rules should play dame
> points  
> that connect chains. This avoids some problems that can arise where  
> ownership probability drops after the opponent plays the dame, and a  
> point of territory must get filled.

I'm trying to think of a counter example where my rule will not work.
Of course this has to be understood within the context of the playing
strength of the bot itself, so we don't expect extremely sophisticated
handling of special cases.  

In my example, both black and white have clearly live stones and there
is an empty point touching both of them.  Assuming that the map is
correct of course and both groups are alive,  then I suppose a
connecting move could cause a weaker group to live.   So that suggests
another rule -  in addition to the original condition of at least 1
white and black live group touching,  there should be no connections to
a group that is not alive.  

A group that is "alive" passes some thresehold of certainty.
Otherwise, it is not-alive but not dead.   The threshold might be
something like 90 - 95% or something but some experimentation would be
required to find a good value for this.

- Don

> Even if not technically required, I can imagine bots acting like  
> beginners and get nervous over imagined vulnerabilites.

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