> Really?  You think that doing 20-50 uniform random playouts and
> estimating the win probability, when used as a leaf node evaluator in
> tree search, will outperform anything else that uses same amount of
> time?

Same amount of clock time for the whole game. E.g. if playing 20 random
playouts to the end of the game takes N ms, and your static evaluation
takes 5*N ms then the playout version can explore 5 times more global
nodes. But the main advantage, I feel, is that playouts play out the game.

Here is an observation that I think I wrote here many years ago: Many
Faces (version 9 or 10) would give a much more accurate analysis of the
score of a game by putting it on level 1 and having it play it itself,
which took about a second (even with all the overhead of the moves being
shown on the board), compared to pressing F9 to get the static evaluation.

As already mentioned, life/death analysis is so hard that it just has to
be played out. But also, the value of having sente can realistically
only be discovered by playing out. This really stumped me when I was
trying to statically analyze endgame positions (i.e. trying to extend
the Mathematical endgame ideas back a bit further in the game).


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
http://dcook.org/mlsn/ (English-Japanese-German-Chinese-Arabic
                        open source dictionary/semantic network)
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