then again, Gnugo donked that game pretty badly.
Showing one game, where Gnugo just throws away the entire top before move
50 is not really telling about the overall strength, imho. Gnugo repeats
the failure by suiciding the top right as well.
What is shown after is hard to evaluate, considering the score difference.
The fact that the FB Bot prefers to play random moves in the center instead
of removing the possible Ko in the lower left later is weird, but may be
due to it's gigantic lead at this point.

Another interesting thing to note is, that the values shown on the right do
not always correspond to the played moves. E.g. at move S17 (killing the
top right) actually S16 had been give a higher score then the played S17

2015-11-03 17:22 GMT+01:00 Aja Huang <>:

> Yes I checked the game. The agent looks pretty strong. It crushed GnuGo
> easily.
> Aja
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Rémi Coulom <> wrote:
>> Can a strong player look at the video and give impressions about the game?
>> On 11/03/2015 03:28 PM, Petr Baudis wrote:
>>>    Hi!
>>>    Facebook is working on a Go AI too, now:
>>> The way it's presented triggers my hype alerts, but nevertheless:
>>> does anyone know any details about this?  Most interestingly, how
>>> strong is it?
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