
On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 07:02:35PM +0800, Fuming Wang wrote:
> Now I know Remi is the first to utilize MCTS. Guess I need to read papers
> more carefully. I do have a question though. I thought UCT is the foundation
> of the current strong programs, I know that a RAVE term is added to the
> original UCB term, i.e. sqrt(t_total/t_i), but the UCB term is still there
> right? Could you eleborate a bit on why do you say "UCT is not good for Go"?
> This is quite contradictory to a lot of material on the internet regarding
> the lastest bread of go programs.

  Most likely not all (e.g. it seems not ManyFaces?), but at least many
programs use exploration coefficients that are either zero or negligibly

  In Pachi, I'm using 0 as the exploration coefficient in the end, it
seems to work the best. But this probably also depends on the fact that
I have slight forceful randomization of playouts. 0.02 can work well on
9x9 too, but it also depends on the priors, etc.

  Overally, it is a question of the overall tuning of the program. But
right now, reasonably strong play with only RAVE and no UCB1 is
certainly possible.

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
Computer science education cannot make an expert programmer any more
than studying brushes and pigment can make an expert painter. --esr
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