Is there a legal right to email?  I doubt the EULA says you have a right to
all your email..except what you don't want.  Probably contacting tech/sales
and legal may be the way.


On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Considering how badly Comcast is performing re spam filtering, I'm
> probably
> >going to move most everything to my Gmail account.  It's simply
> unacceptable
> >how badly Comcast's filtering is.  You have no way of knowing what is
> being
> >blocked and no mechanism to retrieve any false positives.  It's amateur
> hour
> >at Comcast.
> Something we can all agree on. Both Cox and Comcast are blocking inbound
> email with wild abandon. I know the problem is with Cox and Comcast
> because I get a summary of the bounce messages from the AOL ListServ
> server.
> I wonder why Cox and Comcast's legal departments let them do this. If
> they block an important message would they not be open to a lawsuit?
> Perhaps it would be better to complain to Legal, not to Tech Support?
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