I am not sure what it is with many of you and cell phones but my signal and reception and clarity are pretty darn good.

A few factors play into this.  Inside steel framed office buildings
(well actually reinforced concrete, mostly, where I am) you are
in a Faraday cage.  If you aren't near a window, it's hit or miss
as to whether cellular works.  You can pretty much forget it in
an elevator inside one of these buildings.

Oh, I also live in a reinforced concrete apartment building that
is surrounded by others of the same type.  Even getting FM
radio is problematical.  Luckily most stations I listen to have
Internet feeds.

On the street it's a little better. But it still doesn't work some of the time.

It works fine outside of the city.  If you can accept the poor
sound quality.  I'm using an issue cell phone, an LG that's pretty
old by modern standards, fairly bulky with the extra big battery.

Maybe there are better ones out there.

I take what I can get...

It has been physically rock solid and I have to admit that like all of the equipment I've been issued it's adequate for the job.

But it can't redefine physics.

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