I lean more towards thinking it's a quirk of 10.5, maybe in conjunction with the migrating. You could be right about OS X maintenance fixing it. I didn't find any discussion of a migration resulting in these null names. I'll keep an eye on it and see what happens.

Thanks again for the input.

db wrote:
I would bet that the null had something to do with the migration of those particular programs...

OS X runs some maintenance programs occasionally and that might account for the later change...


Jordan wrote:
All the null named programs were migrated. But plenty of migrated programs are not named null, the icon for the programs in each case is right there beside the word null, the programs are all working properly, and in the case of Thunderbird, Seamonkey, and now Audio Hijack, the name null has been replaced with the appropriate name after a couple shutdown/startup cycles.
The only program exhibiting this quirk now is Sunbird.

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