This used to be pertinent when a 5 megabyte hard drive was $1,000.  Now that a 
500 GB hard drive is less than $100, what difference does it make?  Maybe if 
you are on dialup and it takes a bit of time to download the message?  I for 
one appreciate having the entire thread in one message rather than having to 
hunt for the rest of the discussion, which, in my old age, I have already 
forgotten.  That's why a computer is so nice. <g>

I have a 40 GB Eudora folder on my hard drive with 40,000 files (includes all 
of the attachments to messages, and embedded graphics) collected over five or 
so years of e-mail, including lots of subscriptions, and it just keeps chuggin' 

At any rate, I sure don't do it with cut and paste.  I either select the text 
to be included and then hit the "reply" button, or I hit the reply button which 
quotes all and then delete the irrelevant parts.  I don't use cut and paste at 
all.  Do you perhaps copy/paste into a new message?  And change the 
thread/subject? I don't get the picture.

Fred Holmes

At 04:31 PM 7/25/2008, Rich Schinnell wrote:
>I think it is about time for cutnpaste 101 again.
>It really is not that hard to cut and paste the pertinent parts
>of a CG message to a reply or a new message..
>I have seen a one liner response to a 30-60 line quote.
>But then I am an Old Fart and getting cranky in my old age..

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