I've used my son's iPod Touch and I really like it. I've used an iPhone and like it but it's missing features advertised on other phones. I like the touch-screen, although there are other good WiFi phones that don't have it.

Does anyone have experience or own a WiFi phone other than the iPhone? I'm interested in phones that switch automatically from cellular networks to WiFi networks, can browse the Internet, use IM, and have good still/video cameras, with a micro card slot, Symbian OS preferred. Examples are Nokia N-Series [N78, N82, N95, etc.], Sony-Ericsson G702, Samsung OMNIA, INNOV8, LG KC910.

I'd like something portable for travel that can be used for Internet instead of carrying a notebook, including the tiny notebooks. We travel with minimal luggage, usually just carry-on or weekend size for trips as long as a month. Suggestions?


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