Daughter bought a MacBook Pro a year ago and purchased a 3-year warranty. Now, (1) DVD burner sometimes works, sometimes doesn't and (2) there are dead pixels showing on the screen. She went to the Apple store in Tysons Corner, waited 3 hours to see someone, and was told to burn all the data on the computer to DVD disks (from the burner that sometimes works) and to return. As for the pixels, they said the computer had a dent so she would have to pay $800 for a repair. She says the dent was caused by dropping her headphone onto the computer.

I'm guessing they intend to reinstall the OS to try to fix the DVD burner problem.

As for the dead pixels, they are not in the same location as the dent. They are fairly few and randomly spaced.

How likely is the burner problem to be an OS problem? Or, are all Mac problems always first assumed to be caused by the OS?

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