Steve read through my responses and no where do I link student performance with amount spent.

One of the reason student performance increases the closer one gets to the Canadian border is "sometimes" money. (I would posit it is mostly expectations both familial and cultural.)

Contrast the amount spent in the north (Above the Mason-Dixon line) and the amount spent in the south. Furthermore look at local spending county by county and performance and you will see some real contrasts.

In many southern states they use local property taxes and the amount per student can vary tremendously in one state. State averages are not the be all and end all.

On DC's student performance, I think a lot of it comes from low expectations not money spent. I think the new Superintendent has set some better expectations for the schools as a whole.

What I was getting at is usually the superintendent is put in between the students, teachers, community and parents. All have their expectations and ideas of what they want and the superintendent has to balance all this and come up with a workable program.

Locally where I live it gets even worse. Our local school boards is appointed by the City Council. They in turn appoint a school superintendent. All requests for increases of funding is sent to the City Council to act on. In some locals here the Superintendent is elected every 4 years. He has to run a campaign plus manage the school system. (There are still the same educational requirements and certificates as an appointed one)

Joy joy!!


At 08:04 PM 10/18/2008, you wrote:
I thought that as this thread dealt with DC, you were referring to a lack of adequate funding as a reason for the poor performance of its students. My URL shows that DC spends more per pupil than 48 states. My point is that funding is not the main problem.

In fact, I heard some wag state that there is a much higher correlation with how well students do in their school districts to how close they are to the Canadian border, than with how much is spent per student.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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