I really don't know.  What would be periodic bit torrent traffic?  Wouldn't
the RCN tech have been able to notice this when I called Wed. night?

However, mysteriously, yesterday (Thursday) I suddenly can access internet
with IE and pages are loading fast again.  Using Firefox seems somewhat
slower, but also faster (fingers crossed) than when it really slowed down
for a day or so (though in retrospect seems that it may have been gradually
slowing down).  I tried various things including changing the DNS and
changing back to automatic detect, cleaning "private data" and defragging,
but none of these seemed to make more than maybe a slight improvement at the
time.  Guess I have something to at least temporarily be thankful about.

All of this is so strange and mysterious.  Why are there not better
built-in, automatic diagnostics for these things?  If something - anything
of possible significance - changes from time 1 to time 2, why can't my
computer track and indicate this, with indication of possible signficance or
problems?  Why, that is, should the average or naive user be just as much in
the dark about what is possibly going on with the operation of their
computer and/or their internet use as was the case 10 years ago and maybe 20
years ago?  Why no advancement in this area, at least that I can see or have
access to?


On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 5:48 PM, db <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I haven't been following this thread closely ...if you are on a cable modem
> connection it  is possible you have some periodic bit torrent traffic nearby
> which is robbing your bandwidth.   ?
> db
> Tom Piwowar wrote:
>> Called RCN tech support.  Tech said not to mess with DNS settings and had
>>> me
>>> restore to detect automatically.  Either way, doesn't seem to make
>>> loading
>>> much quicker.  He said download speed (5 mb) was okay so he couldn't help
>>> beyond that.  I'm about to give up.  Have had this problem recurrently
>>> and
>>> can never seem to figure out what the damn problem is.
>> What this tech told you indicates that this tech does not know very much.
>> Try again with a different tech. Or ask for a smart one.
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