He was being sarcastic I think. This describes exactly how Vista does
it. There's nothing cryptic about the notice you get. And, because it
accepts blank passwords, it's darned convenient. :)

As noted in another thread, admins also must approve the UAC prompt to
execute things.

Now, I should point out that maybe .5% of the time the UAC window pops
up hidden somewhere. It needs work, but all in all it's a good

>> That so the help won't have to respond to things that "don't work" because
>> of improperly-set permissions.  Just give the user the maximum permissions.
>> Linux does it right, I think.  I understand that if one attempts an
>> operation that requires admin or root permissions, one gets a prompt to
>> enter a password before the command will execute.  The command doesn't just
>> fail with no or some cryptic error message.

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