Sounds like a story (and others here) that the new Administration would want
to hear about, assuming they genuinely want input and to do things in a new
way, with the public interest in mind, if not paramount.   What was the
rationale for this entire forced switch, anyway?  If they go ahead with this
apparently poorly planned, poorly implemented program, some of the blame
will fall to the new administration if and when predictable problems occur
on a massive scale, and they did nothing to prevent this.  Many of the very
people so excited about Obama (like the few million recently in D.C. for his
Inauguration) may not be so happy when they run into the sort of problems
being chronicled here.  Obama is reversing course or delaying other Bush
policies, so seems it would be prudent to do so here.  Maybe we should
compile the problems and experiences noted in this thread and send to the
Obama website and FCC.


On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:57 PM, b_s-wilk <> wrote:

> Look, I admit to procrastinating on this (as I typically do, admittedly)
>> but
>> it seems like they are not really ready for this, for various reasons (see
>> the Post article in, I believe, yesterday's business section).  Running
>> out
>> of funding for the coupons is not the fault of those who waited. As
>> always,
>> those who will be most adversely affected are the poor, disabled and maybe
>> throw in those living in rural areas.  Those better off disproportionately
>> have Cable or HD tv, so no need for coupons and converter boxes.
>> Randall
> I made the mistake of ordering the coupons when they were first issued.
> There were no boxes. My coupons expired before the boxes were available.
> Stupid program. Should have no expiration date, or at least a 1 year
> expiration. They [FCC] tell me I can't get another coupon even though it's
> their fault. So I'll ask my neighbor who has no television to use her
> address for one.
> The entire switch to is suspect. I don't see any value in it for viewers.
> Most of the HD channels don't carry very far. Even with an HD box, we'll
> only get a couple of channels instead of a couple of dozen. Must be the
> cable/FIOS/satellite/TV mfg. lobby that wants to make it so that none of us
> can get any TV channels without paying them for what is now free or
> supported by commercials and membership donations.
> Who benefits most from the switch to HD? No us.
> Betty
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