Vicky Staubly wrote:
On Fri, 13 Feb 2009, mike wrote:

That's a ridiculous headline ("World Not Running Out Of Oil"). I can
see "World Not Running Out Of Oil As Quickly As Predicted", or even "World
Not Running Out Of Oil In This Century". But, as I'm not aware of
new reserves of oil being generated underground, we will run out eventually. And, I feel safe in saying, we will run out of oil sooner
than we will run out of solar power (something on the order of 5 billion
years from now). Even the article itself really only addresses the next

Many countries in the world are developing rapidly. (China in particular) They tend to want to live like we do, meaning in particular, many millions more cars. The article doesn't seem to address that.
To say nothing of the pollution that these new oil extraction methods cause.
Anyone who is well informed about this subject understands the precarious energy era we are heading into.

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