>Good luck finding a Macbook at even double this price, which has been the
>point of these ads all along (that and the notion of massive amounts of

I just read a report (sorry I don't have the link handy) that the average 
profit margin for a PC manufacturer is down to 1.7%. That implies that 
many of them are at less than 0%. 

That is dangerously low. That is so low that I would expect some of them 
to decide that it is just not worth the effort for such a low return on 
investment. I bet that a year from now Lauren and "G" are going to find 
some very different choices at the computer store.

If MS keeps pounding on the message that a PC should be cheap it will 
only accelerate the race to the bottom and the race to the exits.

WFBs we pray for you. Rev., do you have an invocation handy?

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