Well, PC's are cheap...they are MORE expensive with windows on them, not
less, so it's not like it's MS driving the prices down...it's called
competition...something the MFB's have never really heard of.

That said..I've been wondering if companies like Acer, MSI..ASUS, are eating
up some of their customers lunch since these vendors make a lot of the
innards for companies like dell, toshiba and the like..and apple for that
matter.  I've got more then one friend seriously contemplating getting one
of those MSI winds to run OS X on.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 6:58 AM, Tom Piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> >Good luck finding a Macbook at even double this price, which has been the
> >point of these ads all along (that and the notion of massive amounts of
> >choice).
> I just read a report (sorry I don't have the link handy) that the average
> profit margin for a PC manufacturer is down to 1.7%. That implies that
> many of them are at less than 0%.
> That is dangerously low. That is so low that I would expect some of them
> to decide that it is just not worth the effort for such a low return on
> investment. I bet that a year from now Lauren and "G" are going to find
> some very different choices at the computer store.
> If MS keeps pounding on the message that a PC should be cheap it will
> only accelerate the race to the bottom and the race to the exits.
> WFBs we pray for you. Rev., do you have an invocation handy?
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