This is more or less what my computer woman told me...


-----Original Message-----
>From: John Duncan Yoyo <>
>Sent: May 2, 2009 8:06 PM
>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Windows Vista out?
>On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Marcio <> wrote:
>> I will... If Vista was OK, why 7?
>> The name Vista has the stink of death on it.  I think that they got a half
>decent product with SP1 but by then it was too late. So they retooled lots
>of what was wrong with Vista and kicked the ball down the field for Wiin 7.
>FWIW they waited a too long time between XP and Vista so the pain of change
>was even greater.  The Win 7 release candidate goes out on the 5th and will
>remain free to use until summer of next year and the buzz I hear is good for
>7 to launch with a decent product.
>John Duncan Yoyo
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