>I am not sure. I have worked with her for yeras and as far as I can tell 
>she has always been honest with me. She put together for me the before 
>last computer (I bought the parts one at a time) and she did this last one 
>that is working fine. She asked me if I wanted the Vista or the XP, 
>stating that the XP was cheaper. We are in Brazil and as fas as I know 
>perhaps there is this rumor around and much resistance to Vista. I don´t 
>know where she got this notion that Microsoft was stopping to sell Vista 
>and was taking it out of the market to bring the 7.

Looks to me like she is a fine lady who is trying to do right by you.

Consider by anology what is happening in the US with the H1N1 flu. Our 
wonderful new VP very honestly said that he told his family to avoid airplanes 
and public transit. The vested interests are jumping all over him for his truth 
telling. The vested interests whould rather have the nation fall sick and have 
hundreds or thousands die than for them to lose some revenue when people avoid 
risky situations.

On this List with the Laptop Hunters discussion we saw how the WFBs defended 
the poor computer choices depicted in the M$ ads. They did not care that these 
were crappy computers, all they cared about was pushing the M$ product. 

Then with your Vista question, again they did not care that XP was a much safer 
choice for you. They had to push Vista to bolster M$ bottom line at your 
expense and they jumped all over your truth-telling computer lady.

The world needs more truth-telling computer ladies.

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