> 1) You don't want Win7 right now. It will be a year or two before M$
> works out the defects. Meanwhile you will you will be using XP, a
> version that has been worked on long enough to have fixed many of the
> worse defects.

I can hear Tom now at home now, whimpering like Dr. Smith from "Lost in
Space," "Oh, Will, the pain, the pain.  I simply can't bear to try it...."

MS is actually ahead of the game in driver support; they've insisted that
there won't be the problem as there was with Vista and so far, that claim
has been delivered.

When I installed the beta on a new laptop at work, Dell had no video drivers
on their site that would install. All would bork out claiming the OS wasn't
supported, even for Vista drivers.  Instead, I used the Windows update
driver function and had it pull down drivers from the MS database.  Viola!
Video drivers that worked.  In fact, *all* of the other drivers were native
to the OS.

Other than that, my Win7 experience has been almost boring in that regard;
no problems at all.

So, again, I ask, who should you listen to?  Someone like Tom who's never
even touched Windows 7 or from people who have actual experience installing
and using it?  (And no, you don't *have* to upgrade.)

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