Quoting mike <xha...@gmail.com>:

Odd because I found the opposite.  I didn't find myself looking for
anything.  Do you have any examples of what you noticed?  My wife too is on
7, I installed it one day while she was gone, after two days I finally asked
her if she liked it was having trouble...she looked at me blankly 'it's
working..'  Like what else is it supposed to do?  She had zero trouble with
the transition.

I'm actually finding it harder to get used to Win7 than OSX. Microsoft just
moved *everything*. Every time I want to do something, I have to try to
remember where they put it. It's effin' annoying.

Two that come to mind are network adapter settings and the Control Panel.

Seems like I'm always trying to remember how to get to the adapter settings, and the Control Panel has a mind of it's own. I usually get to it by way of Windows Explorer. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it isn't. If I could just figure out how it got there. Maybe my biggest problem with Win7 is that things aren't where they "should be", but OSX with I have no preconceived notions.

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