Godmode doesn't give a user elevated status..all it does is put a list of
all the controls in one place...if your user doesn't have access to these
before a godmode folder is created, they don't have access after either.

Yes, during the security conferences the playing field and motivations are
leveled...to the mac lovers this is 'unfair'.  You might try reading the
breakdowns of the security conferences to see what actually goes on.  They
don't surround the macs with candles and take away it's magic mojo for a day
so they can get through their defenses, there are weaknesses and security
issues as on any os.  If we don't agree that human beings write these lines
of code, then so be it.  We'll agree to disagree.

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 12:08 AM, Art Clemons <artclem...@aol.com> wrote:

> On 01/08/2010 01:22 AM, mike wrote:
> > But the point is they are all insecure, windows isn't more or less secure
> > than say OS X, it just appears that way because OS X isn't attacked.
>  Which
> > of course is security by obscurity, but that wasn't what we are talking
> > about.
> I'm not sure that OS X is just more secure by obscurity.  Yes, during
> the hacker conferences, Macs get pwned but if life were really that
> simple for most hackers, nobody would be on the internet or exchanging
> files. Consider for example the recently "discovered" "God" mode on
> Windows 7, and the sad part is that a Microsoft spokes-individual
> actually admitted that there were more.  Those are all security holes if
> not implemented properly.  I can't think of a comparable problem on Macs
> and Linux & BSDs both are constantly upgrading because of security
> risks, but the only god mode for them is a silly admin.
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10423985-56.html?tag=mncol;txt
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