I figure any discourse lets other users know who we are for good and bad.
I'm not too caught up..during the last few exchanges I've also built a new
computer for my wife (smokin deal at fry's electronics..) installed the OS
and lost three games of war with a kid.

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Tony B <ton...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Actually, we have a rule on our forum "No back and forths. Don't argue
> with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference,
> and at best you'll win an argument with an idiot.". While I'm not
> going to take sides or go as far as actually calling anyone an idiot,
> I *will* say that you have let Tom goad you into something. He _can_
> be the troll when he wants to be, and you've let yourself get caught
> up in it.
> > So the real question is, if two companies release a defective product...
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