On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 9:47 PM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Except windows isn't any more or less defective than OS X.  Both of you
> keep
> bypassing that fact.  If you don't believe the initial premise that both
> OS's are defective, than there is no more reason to continue the rest of
> the
> discussion.  I base my opinion on security experts, I'm also not in any way
> saying that out in the world you are in danger of trojans or viruses if you
> run OSX.  OS X is never shown to be defective (except in all the security
> updates released for it) because their footprint is so small there is no
> reason for those after money to go after OSX.  If the main reason for
> trojans/viruses these days is to gain control of as many systems as
> possible, no enterprising black hat would even look at OS X.  But, you put
> OS X on a level playing field with windows and linux, and tell your white
> hat security experts, take down *any* of the three first and you get some
> cool cash...and OS X is taken down first for several years with ease that
> clearly shows defective issues in the OS.  On top of that, the security
> guys
> go on to say they went after OS X because it was the easiest of three.
> So the real question is, if two companies release a defective product...but
> only one is used so much that it SHOWS it's defective nature...are they
> both
> defective or just the one?
> My point all along has been EVERY company should take that
responsibility.   M$ is a bigger target and they can be made to look like
bigger idiots.  It shouldn't be too much of problem for them to fund the

John Duncan Yoyo

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