On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 12:49 PM, David Turk <dt...@indianahistory.org> wrote:

> Normally, I don't recommend using generic ink, but if you're not going for 
> excellent color reproduction or archival quality, generics can save you $.

  There are companies, but not a lot of them, that make "generic" inks
for many printers that provide for better color reproduction and a
higher degree of archival quality than the inks offered by the printer
makers themselves.  These ink makers do not primarily cater to folks
who are simply looking for cheaper inks for their printers, but rather
to folks who seek very high quality inks for purposes usually related
to the production of artwork.  Some of their basic are less expensive
then what is offered by the printer manufacturer, while many of their
higher-end inks are not, and some of their ink sets are not even
offered by the printer maker, probably most specifically the quadtone
inksets and carbon-based inks for black and white imaging.  These
carbon-based inks can create b&w images that are virtually
indistinguishable from real photographic silver prints.  Higher end
inks are usually paired up with certain papers using ICC color
profiles to be able to achieve the intended final result.

  My point is that third-party ink makers are not necessarily
providers of lesser quality inks.  However, most generic ink makers do
not provide inks that are the equivalent of the original inks made by
the printer manufacturer.  The best generic ink suppliers will give
you information about how their inks stack up against the originals.
They will do this by comparing the chemical analysis of their inks
against the inks made by the printer manufacturer, including two
important points, the viscosity and ph factors of the ink.


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