Yes, back in the '50s, I ran a lot of B&W pan film through a C3 and developed it myself (I still have the negatives and prints somewhere...). Then I went to a Kodak Retina, which was "advanced" by comparison. The next was Pentax K1000 with a large bag full of lenses and accessories. When I retired, the company gave me a Minolta "Supreme" (point & shoot + zoom) which ended up taking the place of the Pentax 90% of the time. Now, of course, I use a digital camera (currently a Kodak Z710, which is a little bulky and slow, but has an excellent Schneider Varigon lens). That reminds me that I still have a half exposed roll of film in the Minolta...

I have not been at all tempted to spend Big Bucks on a DSLR with interchangeable lenses. I am sure that, in the hands of a talented professional, they take great pictures, but I suspect that most of them are sold to yuppies who want to show off their disposable income. I also suspect that many of those never get taken out of the box.


Marcio wrote:
I started with the Argus C3. Anyone remember?


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