On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 1:27 AM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to think of when, Jobs has brought out a device to show the mac
> faithful, that when it was released a few months later it was different...

  The iPad was not brought out solely for the Mac faithful.  That
group is but one target.  Many folks who swear that they would NEVER
own a Macintosh computer gravitate to numerous other Apple products
and like them just fine.  I'd be willing to bet that, over time, many
more iPads will be purchased by people who will never even have their
hands on a Macintosh computer keyboard that by Mac enthusiasts.  In
fact, now that I think about it a little bit, of all the folks I know
who have an iPhone, there is but one who has a Macintosh computer, and
he did not get that computer until after he had the iPhone.

  I do not really know if any of the above has any significance, but
those are mostly the facts as I know them to be.


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