> Anyone who is not intrigued by the iPad is just showing a lack of
> imagination.

OK, why don't you tell us what's so intriguing about a midsize touchscreen that 
has no HD, no widescreen, no camera, no USB, no memory card slots, and no GPS, 
that can only get music and video from
iTunes, that can only run what the suits at Apple say it can run, and that--for 
God's sake, this is 2010--can't multitask.

And before you start with your "M$ minions" BS again, check back in the 
archives and look for where I've EVER said anything negative about Mac, iPhone, 
or iPod. You won't find anything because there
isn't anything to find. But this thing appears to be singularly uninspired and 

Maybe when it's actually delivered we'll see things differently. But for now, I 
see nothing that makes my socks roll up and down.

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