On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 8:24 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> You forgot to mention the lack of parallel port and built-in floppy disk
> drive. Apple is showing you the future while you cling to the past.
> Everything you mention is a technology on its way out. You want the iPad
> studded with ports that you should no longer need. That is not how Apple
> leads.

  Everything is always on its way out.  We are on our way out the
instant we are born.  However, that does not mean that we are
therefore useless and have no value.

  Should I ditch my iMac right now because something is coming or is
already here that can supplant it?  Am I clinging to the past because
my iMac is only 2.4 GHz and actually has a CD/DVD drive as well as USB
and an already obsolete FireWire port?

  I thought you said at one time not so long ago that you still run,
what was it, a G3?  WTF?


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