On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 9:47 PM, t.piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Jan 30, 2010, at 6:30 PM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
>>  I was not reacting to anything that Apple did or did not do.  I was
>> querying you about why you were telling someone that wanting to have a
>> USB port is a symptom of "clinging to the past," seemingly some kind
>> of disorder in your view, and also represented a means of data
>> transfer that "one should no longer need."
> I close my eyes and imagine you walking around with your ideal iPad. A dozen
> cables snaking their way to the floor and various peripheral boxes clanking
> as you drag them behind.

  Please do not be so damn silly.  This is a meaningless non-response
to my query and shows me that you view me as being an idiot.  Having a
USB port does not mean that one has to have "a dozen cables snaking
their way to the floor."  To transfer data, a USB slot requires only a
flash drive to be inserted, a little device that is about 2 inches
long or less, 1/4 thick and about 3/4 inch wide.

  I also was not specifically referring to an iPad in my query about
your apparent aversion to USB interface ports.  You weren't either
when you initially mentioned such in what you said to someone here
earlier on that got this started.  You were saying, in strictly
general terms related to current technology, that wanting to have
currently popular and widely used interface ports is indicative of
"clinging to the past."  Again I ask, how so?  You could have said,
"using existing technology" or even "using older technology."  But no,
you began your statement with the word "clinging" which clearly
indicates a situation of desperation, a stubborn refusal to abandon
something or an emotional mental condition.  You projected your view
upon someone's mention of a subject as opposed to simply reading what
was said and commenting upon it.  One again, either purposefully or
inadvertently, you managed to engage in ridicule as opposed to being
merely conversant.  Do you not understand that this makes
communication difficult?


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