On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 4:43 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> All that is true, but where did I say you should rush out and get one?

  You didn't, thus that is not what I was responding to or talking about.

> I think you don't remember the angst Apple caused when the Mac had an
> AppleTalk port instead of parallel. Ditto for the 3-1/2 floppy. Ditto for
> mice. Ditto when they dropped floppies. Ditto when they were the first with
> USB. Ditto for FireWire. Ditto for auto-sensing Ethernet. And probably a few
> others too. Every time people reacted exactly as you just did.

  I was not reacting to anything that Apple did or did not do.  I was
querying you about why you were telling someone that wanting to have a
USB port is a symptom of "clinging to the past," seemingly some kind
of disorder in your view, and also represented a means of data
transfer that "one should no longer need."


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