Ours is the exact opposite problem.

Our governor has gone rouge by getting a chosen appointee top bust every Bingo parlor in the state with midnight raids and no warrants claiming it is his right.

The AG has signed off on many of these when they have questioned him on wether or not they are legal.

They are in a pretty public spat on this one. (Alabama law forbids gambling establishments. Many folks have opened Electronic Bingo halls)

He even has threatened Federal gambling halls (Indian)

He is term limited so we will have a new on this fall. What choices, Judge Roy (Ten Commandment) Moore to other candidates who are willing to discuss the gambling issue.


At 02:54 PM 5/1/2010, you wrote:
And now he's on a witch hunt, demanding everything that Michael Mann has ever touched, seen, or thought about, whether it actually exists any more or not (and if not, you'd better know how, when, and why it went away, and who else knows about how, why, and when it went away, and who else knew or might have known what was in it before it went away).

Bonus: He said that he was considering not getting a Social Security Number for his 7th child (!) because "it is being used to track you".

He also seems to be a birther.

My favorite blog quote: "Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has only been in office since January, but he's already demonstrated that Virginians accidentally elected a crazy person."

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