Dear All, 

I'm trying to set the Ipv4 configuration using the setProperty in the intefarce 

The documentation says that the the data passed to the interface must be a dict 
with same values as IPv4 property.
So I've created a GVariant of type a{sv}  i.e. an array of dict entries made of 
a string and a variance.

Calling setProperty on  services ( not connected  ) do not change the 
configuration as expected.

What am I doing wrong? I suspect wrong data definition for the configuration.  

Thanks in advance

Below some code

        GVariant * iResVar = NULL;
        GVariant * iVarArr[4];
        iVarArr[0] = g_variant_new_dict_entry( g_variant_new_string( "Method" 
),        g_variant_new_variant( g_variant_new_string( "manual" ) ) );
        iVarArr[1] = g_variant_new_dict_entry( g_variant_new_string( "Address 
), g_variant_new_variant( g_variant_new_string( "" ) ) );
        iVarArr[2] = g_variant_new_dict_entry( g_variant_new_string( "Netmask" 
), g_variant_new_variant( g_variant_new_string( "" ) ) );
        iVarArr[3] = g_variant_new_dict_entry( g_variant_new_string( "Gateway" 
), g_variant_new_variant( g_variant_new_string( "" ) ) );
        iResVar = g_variant_new_variant( g_variant_new_array ( ((const 
GVariantType *) "{sv}"), iVarArr, 4 ) );

                        NET_CONNMAN_SERVICE ( pServiceProxy ),
                        "IPv4.Configuration", iResVal, NULL, &iError );         
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