Thanks Patrik,

I've seen that the Connman version I'm working with is the 1.29 and that in 
1.30 some fixs have been done on ipv4 configuration.
Maybe it is worth to update my version first.

Thanks & Regards


> Subject: Re: net.connman.Service setProperty
> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 11:30:19 +0300
> On Tue, 2015-10-13 at 04:22 +0000, wrote:
>> Thanks.
>> Are you able to change IPv4 configuration? I'm getting not supported error.
> 'IPv4.Configuration' is the property to change. On low-level the
> attribute is an 'sv' with the variant 'v' containing a dict which is of
> the form 'a{sv}'. Look at the python example code in
> test/set-ipv4-method and perhaps connmanctl C code in client/commands.c.
>> It doesn't work even with python test application. The service stucks
>> in configuraton state and the method cannot be changed in anything but
>> off.
> If a service looks like it is stuck in configuration state, start by
> checking that a DHCP server is running in the network as the default
> IPv4 configuration mechanism tries to use DHCP and will timeout in a bit
> over a minute if none is found. If a service looks like it is stuck when
> changing IPv4 configuration on a connected service, it sounds like a
> bug.
> HTH,
> Patrik
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