On Tue, 2015-10-13 at 04:22 +0000, francobrun...@hotmail.com wrote:
> Thanks.
> Are you able to change IPv4 configuration? I'm getting not supported error.

'IPv4.Configuration' is the property to change. On low-level the
attribute is an 'sv' with the variant 'v' containing a dict which is of
the form 'a{sv}'. Look at the python example code in
test/set-ipv4-method and perhaps connmanctl C code in client/commands.c.

> It doesn't work even with python test application. The service stucks
> in configuraton state and the method cannot be changed in anything but
> off.

If a service looks like it is stuck in configuration state, start by
checking that a DHCP server is running in the network as the default
IPv4 configuration mechanism tries to use DHCP and will timeout in a bit
over a minute if none is found. If a service looks like it is stuck when
changing IPv4 configuration on a connected service, it sounds like a



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