On Saturday 03 April 2004 22:20, kreely wrote:
> Main Positions Filled:
> Rob: ConChair, Hotel Liason, Marketing
> Mark: Treasurer, Webmaster, Also Credit Card, Dealers and Vendors.
>       Treasurer’s Report: Rob deposited $1,000 USD into account.
>       Unanimous decision to buy Ad Space from Akon. - $325.00 USD
> Sidenote: Wil Wheaton shows signs of Con Burnout and we have 2 outstanding
> invitations that are at unknown acceptance status as of today.
> Stu: Transportation, Operations, Crisis Management/First Aide
> Kristie: On Site Registration, Gopher Herder (volunteers)
> Kreely: Emergency/First Aide, ConSuite (liquid Nitrogen fun)
> Troy: Emergency/First Aide, Panel Records, Net Admin, Mailing Lists, Badge
> Printing

This should go on the website then.  What email addresses does everybody want?

We should contact the mario kart guy and make sure it's ok to put his contact 
info on our web page in regard to the game room.  (Also, it would be nice if 
he could come to a future meeting where we hash out the details of the game 
room: layout, where the computers are coming from, etc.)

I think Austin Bender has provisionally accepted the "Minister of Signage" 

> Rob ought to have the online registration completed this weekend. This
> will include the Registration page, Confirmation Page, Payment (credit
> card) page, etc.

Working on it as we speak.  You can see the live debug version at 

> As far as badge numbers go, Rob stated that he wants badge #0, Troy would
> like #1, Mark would like #42, and kreely would like #4.

I'll see what I can do. :)

Hmmm...  If I reserve 0-49 for concom assigned badges (where the GOHs and all 
the free registrations go) and then normal attendees get badges 50 and up...  
Then a special coupon code could be used to pick a badge number from the 
remaining list (the number could be encoded in the coupon code, something 
like "specialcode-42" to assign badge 42 specifically, and without the -42 it 
could just assign the next free one in that range...

Hmmm...  I'm trying to minimize the number of special cases, but in this case 
we specifically want oddball behavior...  Think think think...

> Troy will be working on a test run of tshirts. He did mention the fact
> that he forgot to ask about colours. This will be sent back out in a
> followup email from kreely.

Transparent, with glow-in-the-dark lettering.

Failing that, black t-shirt with...  Oh, I dunno, forest green lettering?  Any 
color on black looks decent, generally.  (I happily bow to the majority in 
this one, I am not known for my fashion sense.)

> If Novell is willing to pay for Howard Taylor to fly down here for the
> Con, using his flight ticket from the Con for his wife, Sandra, would be
> agreeable.

Works for me.  Even if they don't, the general rule of thumb is that a Guest 
of Honor gets a lackey flown in with them.  At Penguicon, Pete Abrams got 
Trillian flown in, Eric Raymond got a ticket for his wife cathy, this year 
Wil Wheaton's bringing his wife, etc.

Now you'll notice I haven't actually used the words "Guest of Honor" for any 
of our guests yet.  "Featured Guests" is a marvelous weasel phrase to delay 
making decisions here, but we'll have to face it sooner or later.

Penguicon has 5 guests of honor, which was pushing it but then we've had 
_really_good_ guest lineups, so it's worked out.  Our original rule of thumb 
was that a guest of honor is somebody we want so much we're willing to buy 
them a plane ticket, but of course the Slashdot guys lived an hour away up in 
MIchigan, so we didn't have to.  (We would have been willing to buy them a 
plane ticket if they hadn't, though...)

Here in Austin, we have Steve Jackson living right down the street, who is our 
equivalent to the Slashdot guys.  (We DID buy him a plane ticket for 
Penguicon, we'd have been willing to for Linucon if it had been necessary.)  
So he's a Guest of Honor (although he's toying with the idea "Host of Honor", 
but we'll worry about that later).

I think we all agree that Eric Raymond, Howard Taylor, and Eric Flint are 
really cool as well, and them we are buying plane tickets for.  (Eric Raymond 
plans to bring Cathy.  Howard plans to bring Sandra.  And if Eric Flint 
really wants to bring a second person, it would only be fair to bring them 
too.  Domestic, not international, and we reserve the right to fly them in 
baggage class...)

So judging by our flyers, we have four guests of honor.  Now let's go through 
our pending invitation list:

If John Kovalic agrees to come, he's a guest of honor.  If Fred Gallagher 
agrees to come, he's a GOH too.  (The plane ticket rule.)  That would put us 
at six.  If we invite Wil and he agrees to come, he's obviously a guest of 
honor.  (I realise this would be squeezing in a _lot_, but on the other hand 
if we've got SJ and Kovalic in the same place, it's a crying shame not to 
invite Wil.)

That would put us at seven potential Guest of Honor.  Now we could call Evil 
Stevie a Host of Honor so that technically we had six Guests of Honor, which 
is slightly more manageable and probably what we should do.  Each name 
definitely belongs on our flyers...

This is why I've avoided the words so far, but if you guys don't mind us 
having 7 X of honors, I'm all for it.  I suppose we could weasel our way 
around it with titles (Gaming guest of honor!  Okay would that be Jackson or 
Kovalic?  Comic guest of honor; Kovalic, Piro, or Howard?  Linux guest of 
honor; Eric or Howard?  Author guest of honor: Eric Flint, Eric Raymond, or 
(if he can come) Wil?  They clump.  Then again, we WANT them to clump, so we 
can put them on panels with each other...)

Not a major issue, just something I haven't resolved yet.  I should bug Tracy 
up in Michigan about this...

> Troy needs to add to the mailing lists the following lists:
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] needs to be double checked for operational status.
> An Archive for the mailing lists needs to be worked on.

Yup.  I haven't got time at the moment, anybody else wanna take a crack at it?

> For the liquid nitrogen ice cream shows, we need hazmat and cryogenic
> symbols that can be displayed for those who do not pay attention. Troy
> will check with World Trade for information on obtaining these.

Well, not hazmat.  Nitrogen gas is one of the most biologically inert 
substances there IS.  (Okay, you can get the benz, but not from what we're 
doing.)  It's specifically the cold.  If "hot" isn't hazmat, cold isn't 

I just like the word "cryohazard".  Unfortunately, it's not a common enough 
hazard to warrant a symbol, it seems.

Liquid nitrogen is apparently pretty safe if you're not an idiot.  The UT 
staff guy stuck his finger in it three times to show me that.  You've 
apparently got a couple seconds before your skin cools down enough for the 
liquid nitrogen to actually come in contact with it; before that it boils 
instantly and creates a vapor barrier to protect you.  But if you close your 
hand around it it'll burn you instantly (the grenade principle).  And 
actually pouring a stream of it ON somebody will use up the protective heat 
pronto.)  But the only guy I heard about being seriously injured by a small 
amount of the stuff was some idiot who tried to drink some to impress his 
friends, which is Darwin Award territory...

I tried googling for "cryohazard" and the only real hits were somebody using 
it as a login name, and a couple "do not touch tongue to pipes" type things 
buried deep in bureaucratic PDFs.  So worst case scenario, we can probably 
make up a cryohazard symbol and print our own stickers.  Who knows, maybe 
it'll catch on. :)

> Con Suite: Check with Stu for location of mass amounts of Pocky. Check
> with Planet Anime for Bawls. Rob has 11 cases of Blenam Ginger Ale. Red
> and Gold capped.

I originally got 8 cases of red cap and 4 cases of gold, but I broke out half 
a case of each for consumption by myself and my roommates.  (It's easier not 
to touch the rest for six months if we've got a supply that we can touch.)  
If anybody wants to try some, I still have a few bottles of each left, I can 
bring one of each to the next concom meeting.

I may be able to pick up another dozen cases or so on my way back from 
Penguicon.  (By detouring through south carolina; south on I-95 and then west 
along I-20.)  You can also get it shipped thorough the mail, but shipping 
just about doubles the price (real glass bottles, they're heavy and fragile) 
and several bottles got smashed in the process the one time I tried it (I 
think I got four cases and there were three smashed bottles.  Trust me, you 
do NOT want to deal with broken glass mixed with soaked cardboard while 
trying to clean off containers you expect to get a drinkable beverage out of 
afterwards...)  Still, this site has the contact info if anybody would like 
to try:  http://theacf.com/blenheim/

It WAS a while ago, and I"m told they've improved their shipping processes 
(and commesurately upped the price) since then.  I believe HEB Central Market 
also carries Blenheim now, but they charge over a dollar a bottle.

I can get it for somewhere around 60 cents/bottle (plus tax) if I buy by the 
case from any of the local south carolina retailers that stock it.  And it 
only adds a couple hundred miles to my trip if I'm driving back to texas from 
Pennsylvania anyway.  And I've got a station wagon... :)

> Positions not filled
> Dealer Registration: Now allocated to Mark


> Table Allocation:
> Vendor Liason:
> Fan Tables:
> Artist Tables:

We need to contact that art show person from ConDFW.  Mark: do you have the 
contact info for her?

> Green Room:
> Programming:
>       Panels
>       Art Show
>       Masquerade/Cosplay
>       Dance
>       Banquet
>       Gaming Rooms (Paper and Comp)

Um, I think Troy was willing to be the programming umbrella dude at the 

> Publications:
>       Web:
>       Program Book
> National Marketing: *thought this was Rob? *

Yes, me.  Web is also me and Mark.

> Minister of Signage: Allocated to Bender (Austin)
> Priorities:
>       Registration
>       Dealer's List
>       Program Head
>       Volunteer Coordinator: *wait, isn't this Kristie's area? *
>               VC needs to email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mario Kart Guy)

Volunteer Coordinator is indeed Kristie's area.  That was in the original 
email that went out to the list.  I'll post my updated version after I finish 
this email.

> Guest Liason for Howard Taylor will be Ryan Bemrose.

Cool.  Do they have an email address?  (Don't need to post it to the list, we 
just need to have it...)

> Someone needs to remind Troy to contact Vendco about soft drinks for the
> Con Suite.

Hey Troy, contact Vendco about soft drinks for the con suite.

Would this be cans, bottles, or a soda fountain?  (I'm told soda fountain's 
cheapest.  Penguicon just got lots of cans from Sam's club, which let them 
return the extra unopened flats afterwards.  Nice of them...)

> Rob was going to check into Water Joe.

There are lots of competing brands now.  Water Joe was the first, but the 
company seems to have stopped trying to expand.  Their water source is in 
Wisconsin, so they're mostly north.


Their mail order rate is $19 for a 24-pack:


Again, driving to pick it up in person, it should be possible to get it for 
about half that.  Or, if we want to bump the price back up just a bit, we 
could get our own labels on the bottles:


It seems to cost about $200 to do a custom label run, plus the price per 
bottle of the water joe itself.  If we get about 1000 bottles, the per-bottle 
cost of the private label would be 20 cents.  (Thoughts?)

> Troy and kreely will work on making a batch of caffienated soap before the
> next meeting. If successful, this can be made and put into the little gift
> bags for Con Goers.

Cool.  We should try to do a batch of liquid nitrogen ice cream at the next 
concom meeting.  Mark and I can probably work on that...

> Bags: Troy will do some checking and see if plastic or cloth will be
> cheaper.

Actual canvas can be pretty cheap too:


> Rob made mention that he can get 50 or so books from Eric Raymond. These
> can be used as gifts for the first 50 registrants.

Dunno the exact amount: more than 20, probably less than 100.

> Troy needs to call Eric Flint. (local Baen Author)
> Extra lackeys will be needed for Panels.

I'd guess we need to seriously start recruiting pannel fodder about 3 months 
before the con.  Before then, we don't really know who we'll need, because we 
won't have a good idea what panels we're running...

> More information needs to be gathered on local Austin gun ranges for Geeks
> with Guns.

Stu is doing this?

> If anyone else has more notes than this, please post them. Right now, I’m
> working on memory and Troy’s notes.

I'll post mine next.

> Thank you…
> Kreely (btw Rob, I prefer kreely, but Lisa is my irl name)

Kreely I can REMEMBER. :)


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