On Mon 10 Mar 2003 08:00, François Pons posted as excerpted below:
> This could be great indeed, any idea how to improve urpmi/rpmdrake is
> welcome as next version will be designed soon now.

Something I've been wishing for..  If it's there, I haven't seen it in the man 
pages or documentation..

Some way to prioritize sources..  Thus, if my local mirror has the same thing 
as the sunet primary mirror, it wouldn't bother sunet, but would go for the 
local one, but would still be able to get the latest from sunet when there's 
a difference.

A somewhat related request..  It doesn't LOOK like it's doing this now, but 
maybe it does..

If several sources are available for an item, according to the latest 
hdlst.cz, and one fails, try the others.  I've had errors where it was gone 
from one, apparently the one urpmi tried first, but still available on 
another, only urpmi wouldn't fetch it from there.  I either had to disable 
the first source, or go fetch it manually (which is how I knew it to be 
available on the second source anyway).

Talking about disabling..

AFAIK, the only way to do that is thru the GUI interface.  If there's a 
command line way to do it, I'd like to know it.  I suppose I could create a 
script that renamed the files so urpmi skipped that, but I'd THINK there'd 
already be a way to do it, since the GUI can.  Am I missing something?

Also nice would be..

Some way to tell it "if app.x.y.z doesn't exist, automatically try 
app.x.y.z-Amdk doesn't exist, try -(A+1)mdk instead."  IOW, it would do the 
same thing that urpmi already does to figure out which of several versions is 
the newest, but if the hdlist.cz file was outdated, it would automatically 
try the next logical release stepping instead, as well as the usual output 
about needing to run .update.  It's a bit arguable as to whether it should 
extend beyond the mdk release number, say, to the .z above, but at least the 
mdk releases are usually fairly limited in scope, so having at least that as 
an option would be helpful.  (The idea is an option like --allow-force, for 
those that want it, not default behavior, for those that prefer a more 
conservative approach.)

And, possibly all in the documentation department..

More info on parallel would be useful.  For instance, I have just a single 
computer, but a 3Mbps d/l cable modem connection.  It's frustrating sitting 
there watching an overloaded server attempt to service my urpmi.update -a, at 
a mere 100KB/sec, when the connection can do 3 times that, and when I know 
there are several other servers to be updated after that.  Could I somehow 
use parallel to initiate a second session and .update a second server at the 
same time?  If so, instructions would be nice.  If not, that ability would be 
very nice in the next version.  Something tells me that's why parallel is 
there, altho one gets the impression that was designed to work on physically 
separate hosts.  The existing man documentation is pretty good on detail, but 
it doesn't seem to say much about parallel.  I've only the rather sparse 
changelog mentions to go on.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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